Kansas II

We all know that the educational fuckwits in Kansas want to teach intelligent design in class, but in the interest of fairness I think we should ask them to teach the flying spaghetti monster doctrine as well. I may even convert.

But more on the “what the fuck are they teaching those Kansas kids?” topic. How bout forced pregnancy propaganda!

When the bill was debated Thursday, Rep. Jan Pauls amended it to say any discussion about abortion must include a description of all methods of abortion, including what state law calls partial birth abortion. The information must include “the probable physical sensations of pain a fetus feels or detects” during the various procedures.

I’m all for giving out health information, but when was the last time they gave graphic descriptions of the reality of what pregnancy and childbirth do to the body (hemorrhoids, tearing, incontinence). Heck, I’d be happy if they just gave accurate scientific information on birth-control and std prevention.