More on class warfare

It’s just sheer dumb luck that I read this article after writing my post below.

This is to give you a taste of what I meant by “I know that poor people aren’t lazy (and because I know the other side- I know that despite their nice words the upper class thinks we are).”

So this article at Salon is about the greenwashing of a super lux, environmentally friendly (put air quotes on that) development in Montana. When the locals decided that there was something wrong in Denmark, Wade Dokken, the super wealthy DEMOCRAT who started the project threw a bit of a hissy fit about the lower class

For Dokken, this proved too much. When you cracked on the ultra-wealthy, you were cracking on his people, and he couldn’t let such a remark go unchallenged. He fired off a letter to Park County planner Mike Inman in which, among other things, he berated his critics for “class envy,” claiming remarks like Feigley’s were directed “at people who have had more success in life than the letter writers and blog writers … Perhaps they were smarter. Perhaps they worked harder. Perhaps they managed their money better …”

Really, the elites of our own party think we are poor because we are dumb and lazy. How does that make them Democrats exactly?