News from the homefront

Hello hello hello!

As Wonder pointed out, the lights are on but the computer is dead. If you’ve ever had an alternator go out on your car, then my compy problem will be familiar. As soon as the power was back, I started up the frankenputer. I got half way through typing an email to a hot French musician who is going to show me a museum or two in Paris when the thing just shut off. Each subsequent attempt to start the beast had it powering on for shorter and shorter spans and now it just turns on for half a second before dying.

It is not a Windows problem. I could get into the bios, but it still shut itself off. It is a hardware problem of some sort. So far i have replaced the battery on the motherboard, cleaned the cooling unit for the CPU, and tried to replace the power supply. No luck.

I also tried to take the ethernet card from an old computer and shove it into the Kid’s super craptastic computer (it won’t run XP) just so I could have internet access. No luck there either.

So I am without a computer at home. Considering the travesty that the last 2 months have been, it sucks but it isn’t going to break me.

In the mean time, we have light and heat and hot water. Oh yeah, HOT WATER. I have been taking long, luxurious baths every day in water hot enough to turn me pink.

Thank you everyone for your kindness and generosity. It means almost as much as a bath tub full of scalding hot bubbles. :)