Oh and I have such a giant blog crush

on Anglachel.

Seriously brilliant thinking, especially the way she compares the current election to domestic violence.

But this particular post made me all squirmy in my seat (in a good way). She says the same thing that I said and that Black Agenda Report said, but so fucking eloquently (okay BAR is pretty eloquent too and all these people use way less cuss words than I do)

It may not be PC to say this, but there is a very rational basis for working class white racism that has nothing to do with believing minorities are lesser beings and everything to do with keeping that structural advantage in place. That’s why the cynical claims of the Obama campaign about Archie Bunkers – when the target is actually the guilty upper middle class – doesn’t ring true. Obama himself is no threat. He codes “white”. The threat he offers is not raising up minorities but turning his back on all the working class and failing to enact policies and programs that will help those who are struggling.

Go read her blog and learn something.