Oh Cry Me a Fucking River

You all know what’s going on this week? It’s Davos* week, where super wealthy, mostly dudes, get together to come up with new ways to rob us all blind in the name of progress. Wankstains.

But they aren’t just there to reinforce the kleptocracy. They are also there to whinge about how mean us peasants are. It is “unproductive” for us to call them on their shit.

For the record- it’s not “bankers, bankers, bankers”. It’s “bankSters, bankSters, bankSters”. And people are pissed because we’re all going to be eating actual garbage and living in tents because of banksters.

*Davos week is just one more reason why I really hate Switzerland. Other reasons include having actually been to Switzerland and decided it is what fascism aspires to be, the rampant xenophobia, the half-assery that is the International Committee of the Red Cross and all the assistance the Swiss so helpfully gave the Nazis in looting from Jews.