Oh fucking President Hopey Changey is in town

So of course going to the grocery store and dropping off the boyfriend’s car in a free parking place is going to be about as much fun as dealing the Obot Fanboyz. Well, maybe not that bad. I generally don’t get rape threats in traffic jams.

(Also please note the the President’s first stop was in Medina, to pick up the not-taxed money from the wealthy douchnoodles who are bringing us into Great Depression 2.0. FUCKERS)

(And as another aside, TOE and I had a little convo the other day about how you can tell a pol by who his/her most ardent supporters are – and also of course by what they actually say. But isn’t it funny how some of Obama’s most horrid fan boyz voted for Bush Jr. the first time around cause Al Gore was too socialist or something. Shit, Kos was a republican, Andrew Sullivan was a republican, Ariana Huffington was a republican, etc. etc. etc. The didn’t change their beliefs, they just changed their party).