Once more for the simple minded………..

Someone has been lucky enough to have missed the massive “anti-girlOMGtehcooties” vibe coming from the obama boys. Some of us have lost friends and sleep and a place in the Democratic party over this, so it really must be nice to live in a land where that doesn’t exist.

I do keep hearing over and over and over that Hillary’s war vote is a legitimate reason for not voting for her. True, perhaps. But there are a shitload of dems that voted for the war and still have their seats.

For all intents and purposes, Hillary and Barak are the same on wanting to get us out of Iraq. For all of Barak’s sanctimonious bitching about Hillary’s war vote, he’s never seen a war funding bill he didn’t like.

It’s obvious the Hillary regrets her war decision or she’d be all in with 100 years McCain. But she is the first viable woman running to be in charge of the military. And the traditional screed against women in the White House has been about how they couldn’t possibly handle war related issues because they are too emotional and mushy brained.

So if Hillary comes straight out and says “I fucked up. Iraq was a bad vote.” she doesn’t get the pass that all of her male senate colleagues who made the same vote would get. She gets labeled as a dumb girl who we shouldn’t let near the big red button cause she might mistakenly press it and blow the whole world up.

It’s not difficult folks. Really.