Pardon me while I vomit

You peeps are going to have to bear (or bare- I can never remember) with me for a bit. I am still processing a week’s worth o’ stupid and you may be getting snippets of conversations for the next few days.

George: What’s funny is that the Mormons don’t practice overt sexism

Me: Let’s see, a woman can’t get into heaven unless her husband dies first, I think that’s pretty overt.

George: I’m not talking about religion, I’m talking about their lives. You see all these successful, professional Mormon men, but never women

Me: Cause keeping the ladies at home, pregnant and with no income of their own isn’t overt sexism? Besides, how is that different from any of the Christian religions that want wives to be submissive?

George: You can’t compare two religions, nobody does that. If you did it would be way too complicated.

Me: Actually there is a whole line of academics devoted to comparing religions. It’s called Comparative Religion of all things.