Political Porn

Sexiest picture of Al Gore ever.

There’s an effort to draft Gore into the 2008 presidential race and I am going to throw my 2 cents in.

I think he can do.

I think he should do it.

I think he’s proven that he can win a presidential election.

And he’s gone through some changes. He lost the thing he’d been working for his entire life and then saw the damage that came from not fighting hard enough. I think if he comes back he will be tougher and less “wooden” than before. Personally, I saw him speak at a Jefferson-Jackson dinner in 1998 and never understood the wooden part, but he’s lightened up.

So there’s a Draft Gore in 2008 plan running. You should check out the site even if you don’t like Gore because they are going for publicly funded elections. Can you imagine if corporate shills didn’t get to fund elections?

Oh wow! Free, fair, non-corrupt elections and sexy denim-clad President Gore. I may faint.

( I stole the pic and the link from Shakespeare’s Sister– she thinks he’s hot hot hot too)

5 thoughts on “Political Porn

  1. Congrats on making the first “draft Gore” argument that’s made some sense to me.

    Amongst my concerns have been that if he were to run again, this “new Gore” that’s got everyone so excited would go away and the “wooden” one (for lack of a better word) would come back.

    But when it comes to letting anyone’s hotness influence your vote, I want John Edwards to run again.

    Not for him (although I do like the man), but because his daughter Cate is steaming sexy.

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