Radiohead, how do I love thee…..

Radiohead put out their latest album on the web and let fans pick their own price (even free if they so choose),

And from the looks of it- they aren’t going broke. I have a feeling the record companies are going to be crying over this. I’m not feeling any pity though.

For way too long record companies have been fixing prices, dominating airwaves, and screwing artists. Oh and suing poor single moms for downloading a couple of albums. $17.99 is not the price the free market thinks a record should be sold at, and $1.50 per album is not enough reimbursement for an artist.

We music lovers get that artists need to make money. You can’t write songs on an empty belly. But we also don ‘t like getting screwed by a giant industry. So when downloading songs from p2p networks became feasible- people flocked to it. Bands like it (their music gets out there) and they can make money doing what bands are supposed to do- playing music live.