Red Queen’s Hot Brains List

What’s there not to love about Greg Palast? He’s old school investigative reporter with a background in economics. He broke the news about purging the black voters in Florida during the 2000 election. He makes me remeber that journalists can actually still be investigators instead of overpaid press-release readers.

George Monbiot is just hot and brilliant. I loved Manifesto for a New World Order.

Joe Conason

As for third wave feminism, I love Jill from Feministe. She’s as girly girl as I am (with a love of Bumble and Bumble) but still kicks misogyny in the ass on a regular basis.

I first discovered Samantha Power while watching her talk about Sudan on the Charlie Rose show. She was talking about how all the agancies were saying they were having trouble getting access to the country to prove that there was a genocide going on. While all these people were hemming and hawing- she simply walked over the border from Chad and took some of the first photographs documenting the tradgedy to get published in the western press.