RQ Cooks- Lazy French Frittatas

I wish I had taken pictures of these- but we ate them too fast.

After wandering around one of the moving farmers markets (that happened to be on our street twice a week from 6am to 2:30p,) Ruth and I went a wee bit produce and cheese crazy. We bought these giant green onions that were perfectly mild and lovely, the best gouda ever, mushrooms, chervil, a bunch of thyme so fresh it still had dirt clods on the end, dill (I LOVE DILL!) olives and peppers, and so much more.

Ruth has all sorts of weird food allergies (no wheat, nothing that ever came from or touched a cow- so no beef, butter, yogurt, or milk, most beans except soy, and a few other randoms veggies like potatoes and bell peppers) so having a kitchen was a huge blessing in making sure she was fed all week and not sick ( a big problem when she travels and the reason I found an apartment to begin with). One of the things I love about my friendship with Ruth is that cooking for her is like an iron chef challenge. She is the reason for the all vegan but the turkey Thanksgivings (she can eat turkey)

After our little farmers market trip I made breaded veal with spring veggie rice pilaf. I also made a couple of lazy ass frittatas- one made with coppa, a thin sliced round shaped bacon and the other with smoked salmon. The recipes for both are the same, though the awesomeness of fritattas means that you take eggs, whatever cheese you have handy, and whatever veggies are dying in your fridge and have an awesome breakfast.

So- Smoked Salmon or Coppa Frittatas:

Pre-heat oven to 375.
Grease a 7 x 9 inch baking pan (I used french butter- the best butter in the world for the bacon one and veggie oil for the salmon cause Ruth can’t do butter)

Lay salmon or bacon (or ham or prosciutto) in bottom of the pan in strips. Pull some of the strips up the side so that little bitts will stick out of the top of the egg mix and get all crispy.

Mix 7 eggs with enough water or milk to loosen eggs up a bit, like a quarter cup. French eggs come from super happy, healthy chickens so the yolks are bright orange and they are thick as hell when whisking. Yuo will develop massive arms whipping french eggs. Whisk until little bubbles form at the sides of the bowl.

Grate in a generous about of cheese. For the salmon I used a mild sheep manchego and for the coppa I used gouda. I’ve also had greek style frittatas with good feta (throw the feta in in largish chunks)

Add whatever chopped veggies and fresh herbs that you like. We used chervil (which has a mild anise scent) dill and thyme. Also a few chopped mushrooms and some of those giant green onions. Leeks would work almost as well as the french green onions, but you could use shallots or a yellow onions too. Or even a red onion if you want the color. You could also throw in a handful of spinach and make a cheaters quiche lorraine or some flat leaf parsley. Some zucchini or yellow squash is also lovely. Or some bell pepper strips.

Generously salt and pepper egg and veggie mix. Pout into baking dish and bake until eggs are firm and set (our oven was weird and slow in france, what should have taken 10 minutes took 20) so check it regularly by pulling out pan and seeing if the eggs shake. When they don’t shake anymore and the middle is firm it’s done.

That’s it. Easier than omelettes cause there is no flipping and you only have to make one for a crowd of peeps.