Shameless Bragging and a video

The last time this band was in town, I managed to score fab mezzanine seats at the Paramount. We were directly in front of the band at their eye level.

Seattle is a city of passive aggressive hipsters who are terrified of doing anything that might be “uncool”. My friend and I had no such problems. So we were dancing our asses off while the painfully self conscious concert goers looked around to make sure they weren’t showing too much enthusiasm.

Bucking social mores worked for us. About 4 songs, the lead singer dedicated this song to the two girls dancing in the balcony. The next day the band had breakfast with my concert friend’s coworker (they worked at the Paramount, that’s how we got such awesome seats) and I guess the band talked about how much they love seeing people like us dance to their music.

So next time you’re at a show and you want to shake your ass but are afraid you might look weird- shake it anyways.