Snippets of google chat- I am the Second coming of Jesus

Sylvia: MeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowMeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow!!!!!!!!!

me: bad kitty
Sylvia: I have started sleeping with a spray bottle by my head. Now when Jax tries to get too annoying, I just spray him in the face and he runs away!
It works great.
me: whee- kitty torment and sleeping, two of my favorite things
I need a nap
a four hour nap
Sylvia: Does coffee help?
me: not so much
I’ve been sucking down gallons of caffiene and i still sleep 12 to 16 hours a day
Sylvia: Hm. Maybe in France your chemistry got switched around, and maybe now you need to drink de-caf.
Or not…
me: or maybe I’ve developed some weird european sleeping disease
Sylvia: Maybe George gave it to you!
The Curse of George!!
me: I would so love to blame this on him
That is it- france was lovely, george made me ill
Sylvia: Makes sense to me. That about sums up the trip pretty well, too!
me: Yep, so it would totally figure that the effects are lingering
Sylvia: Well, it’s good that you’re going to get whatever it is checked out soon.
me: yeppers
I’m just bummed that I won’t be my normal sparkling self this evening
Sylvia: Well, you’ll just have to show him enough of your sparkling self to make him want to see more!
me: or drink heavily
Sylvia: So this is wierd…. I just found a random Slog entry about a random painting titled “The Bible Doesn’t Mention It, But Jesus Loved to Sleep Twelve to Fourteen Hours a Day”. You’re just turning into Jesus!!!
me: OMG- I am soooooo the second fucking coming
That explains so much