So that I never have to type this again

I don’t understand wingnuts. I really don’t. Ignoring starving children is not at all disrespectful to them. Being rape apologists, misogynists, and basically boot-lickers for the all supreme patriarchy isn’t disrespectful to them.

But that I, on a public blog, choose to call The Kid “The Kid” is THE MOST HORRIBLE CRIME EVER.

Since I don’t ever want to type this again (cause damn it isn’t the first time that someone got their panties bunched over it) here’s the run down.

The Kid is The Kid because he will have a pseudonym until he is an adult. Parents do enough to humiliate their kids, and I figure the Kid can decide on his comfort level when he is grown.

The Kid is the Kid and not “my son” cause I don’t own him. He’s not a pet. He’s a person. His own person. It would be mighty hypocritical for me to be preaching about choice and body autonomy if I treated the Kid like a piece of property. He has actually said in the past that he doesn’t like the “my son” shtick. It makes him feel like a suitcase.

Also- the Kid knows about the blog. He knows he is called “the Kid”. He may at some point do some posting of his own, but right now he’s more interested in manga and video games than in writing here. The Kid will proudly tell you that he is a feminist.

And just so I can add some more fuel on the fire- the Kid has been called Monkey Boy, Stinkerbell, Dorkalicious, Dorkwad, Rugrat, Sir Rotten Monkey, Bucket But, Pea, Tater Tot and any number of other nicknames that I’m sure the wingnuts will think are some horrible form of child abuse.

The Kid has read this entire post. He rolled his eyes when I explained why I was writing it. He thinks you people that object to him being called “The Kid” are “a bunch of untalented hobknockers”. He says that is supposed to be read with an English accent. (I don’t know how you type an English accent though. Do I have to change the spelling of words now so that color is colour?)

He also kindly requests the you HELP BUNNY TAKE OVER THE WORLD by posting it on your blog.

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(> <) And in conclusion he says “rutabaga” which is an inside joke that none of you will get, but he said it so I have to type it.