Somehow I missed a conservative troll

Damn. This is what happens when someone who is a little slow on the uptake posts a comment full of previously disproved bullshit on a post written weeks before.

Now I know I am a bit slow on the uptake for not seeing his comment earlier, but I thought I would point out his rehashed, recycled, reheated and well, boring rhetoric just to remind you all of what we are dealing with. Folks who don’t read or reason.

Man, do you think that someday conservative blowhards will come up with a new line of crap to feed us, or is part of being conservative the inability to formulate new arguments based on aquired facts? Oh wait, they don’t believe in science either, so they have no aquired facts.

All I have to save to our little friend is not worry, nobody wants to clone his ass.

One thought on “Somehow I missed a conservative troll

  1. Wow! I missed that one too!

    This may sound like circular logic, but the reason today’s conservatives are conservative is because they cannot acquire any new thoughts. Something new they cannot (or don’t want to take the time to) understand comes along and their brains short-circuit. So, for the most part don’t expect anything but talking points.

    I must admit, however, that every now and again I run across a rightie on the Seattle PI blog that can hold their own. doesn’t happen much though.

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