
I’ve been a wee bit absent lately. It’s not that I don’t love you anymore internet, it’s that I seem to have a problem.

And I’m wondering if anyone else has this problem too.

I was all set to write a long piece today on evolutionary psychology and why it is that men started with the whole dominant patriarchal bullshit (hint- I am fairly sure that masculinity is secret dude code word for high maint insecurity)and then the Puppy walked into my lab and started talking to me about Battlestar Galactica. And all my deep thoughts went right out of my head.

What I am realizing is that relationships with grown men make me as tired and boring as being a new mother made me. It’s exhausting. Sure it has it’s moments of joy, but I keep equating projectile baby spit up and pearl necklaces in my head.

Is it just me? Am I the only one who finds new love about as thrilling as diaper changes? Am I the only one who thinks that sharing a bed with a grown up furry man is as sleep interrupting as a nursing infant?

I feel like my ability to think clearly has been short circuited. And it’s not a problem of finding the right guy. Hell, I believe in the law of numbers when it comes to dating. Even though I have a type (dark, foreign, skinny, graduate degree and successful) I certainly don’t stick with that type (see Puppy- blonde, blue eyed nordic type with a vocational degree who works with his hands). So I have dated, and dated and dated. And the same thing keeps happening. About 3 months in I get so worn out that I become dull. I hate being dull. I know the old saying- if you’re bored then you’re probably boring. Blech. Why does being in a relationship make me feel like an overworked and underpaid babysitter. It’s obviously a problem with me.

But I can’t be the only one.
