Suffer the little children- literally

No surprise- Bush vetoed the SCHIP funding that would have funded and expanded the program giving health insurance to poor kids.

First- I’m sure Jesus is keeping records of Bush’s compassionate conservatism. That alone should terrify Georgie boy.

Second- y’all know the reason he vetoed it is not because it’s an inefficient program but because it is WAY more efficient at providing health care economically to a large segment of the population. In other words- he vetoed it so the we ‘Mericuns wouldn’t start thinking the socialized medicine actually works better than *Gasp- The Private Sector.

Not long though kids- a little more than a year to go. Just keep saying to yourself over and over “November 08, November 08”.

UPDATE: My own governor is joining in a lawsuit to sue the feds for not funding SCHIP. Have I mentioned the WA state produces some fierce and fiery women politicians? We do. Thanks Gov. Gregoire!