Teaching Kids Hard Lessons

After seeing an Army recruitment commercial tonight the conversation went like this:

Me: Dude, McCain is going to be the next president so you HAVE to do well enough in school to get a scholarship and go to college or you will be fighting in whatever war he starts next.

Ms. J: Really, you think McCain is going to win?

Me; Yeah, that’s a given. The only person who consistently beats McCain is Hillary. Obama occasionally beats him, but that’s before the Republicans and media start tearing him to shreds. Obama’s toast. But Kid, I’m serious. If you don’t have perfect grades you are going to get drafted into a war. Do you understand?

Kid: Yes Mom. But is there any chance Hillary could be the president?

Me: Realistically, only 1 in a thousand. But we’ll keep fighting for her.

A McCain presidency is going to cost me way more than it will cost most of you. We are already at the bottom of poverty. And I have a child who will graduate high school in 2013. He is prime war fodder.

I don’t want things to get worse for us, but i am willing to sacrifice in the short term (hell, what’s another 4 years of struggle after 8)in order to have real improvement. Real democracy. Real equality. Real opportunity. Not some dog and unity pony show without a chance of winning the White House of of making things better if they do win. The Democratic party is starting to remind me of the pigs in Animal farm. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, but they were blue instead of red.