
The Kid is playing a character who dies of illness in a Turkey day play written by his classmates. originally he was supposed to be shot int he head and thrown over the side of a boat. They decided illness was more realistic.

I have some issues with the hoopla of Thanksgiving, being that a large chunk of my DNA comes from people who were killed off by the colonizers of the New World. I once heard a story about a native guy who took a flag to Spain and claimed it for the Iroquois(I could be wrong- I was 7 at the time.)I thought that was the height of awesomeness.

But we still celebrate carb fest every year. We don’t do long tortured days spent with family members who hate us (anymore). Instead I have a giant party full of people I love and who love me back. And I do like the idea of being thankful for stuff- so here’s my list of things I am thankful for.

1) I have an awesome, tenderhearted kid who is more thoughtful thn most grown ups.

2) I have the best set of friends a girl could ask for. This year, since everyone knows I am broke, they are all contributing cash to the Carb Fest fund. I felt horrible for having to ask because I love to feed people, but everyone has just been incredible.

3) I live in a place where I can have as much sex as I want and as many kids as I want. I was thinking about this the other day. I think that if there is a god, s/he must have decided that all the work of making an individual thing is to tedious, and so we have sex instead as a reward for doing the hard work of creation.