The First Step to Real Reform

Everyone on every side of the political spectrum knows the system is broken. Special inetersts trump voters in garnering attention of lawmakers. Now, even winning the popular vote does not assure victory. But even if we get “our” people in the lawmakers are more likely to listen those who lobby the best (i.e., can offer the most money and perks). The constant lament, with reasonable justification, is that our two parties have become one: the Republicrats. So how do we change this increasingly dangerous situation? Massive turner vote.

I know this seems counterintuitive since in the last thrity years we only seem to get to choose the ‘lesser of two evils’. But think of our situation this way. Politicians are doing everything to control who gets to vote for them. Between ballot rigging, gerrymandering and manipulation politicians want only enough people to vote for them to get elected. This assures them election and eases their job by letting them appeal to a limited base. This should offer the clue to our strategy as voters.

Another thought that should motivate us. Most of us realize that two parties, even if run optimally, are not enough. That is why most other democracies chose proportional voting. Getting proportional voting to even be considered we need viable third, fourth and fifth parties. Do any of you think these parties will come around with the paltry numbers that currently constitute our turnout? The first answer to change is to double turnout and maintain it. Then as a more representative populace we can demand changes.

The current state of low turnout is purposeful. Politicians do not want everyone to vote. Let’s scare the hell out of ’em.

4 thoughts on “The First Step to Real Reform

  1. A multiparty state is a lovely idea but difficult to pull off.Look at how much bitching is done in seattle over proportional representation for city council members.

    the other thing is that voting should be availalbe to everyone (none of this you commited a crime and your rights are gone forever crap– they are still citizens who paid thie dues) and if there is a question about someone’s right to vote it is always better to allow more votes than to limit rights.

  2. if the multiparty system is so difficult, why do so many Euro nations pull it off time after time? Because we’re a nation of uneducated louts!

    I would love to see a situation were we could vote incompetent assholes out of office–referendums etc. I am not holding my breath. But the first step to anything is doubling turnout no matter what we end up doing.

  3. agreed, but i really think our 2 party system gas become cumbersome. I think Our country is soon going to wake up and find its not as great as it thinks it is. Then everything will be on the table. My hope is that the Republicrat issue is one of them.

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