The Nail on the Head

And I think Clinton hit it!

Did anyone else get to see tonight’s Democratic Debate on CNN?  I happen to have had the luck of being detained…err…in a waiting room while it was on.  For the first time, I think, I have gotten to see the subtle differences between the two front runner platforms.  
At casual glance, which I am pretty sure is what a majority of American voters today are giving this race, Clinton and Obama are fairly equal…not a whole lot going on politically that is crazy different.  It is a matter of subtleties…and as RQ pointed out to me earlier today, it’s a matter of mandates as well.  The biggest differences in their plans are in Health Care.
And even that isn’t huge on the surface.
On the surface, they both want to cap premiums, and widen coverage.  They want to make sure that children and the poor can get insurance.  They want to make sure that health care is accessible, and that if your local clinic or hospital closes that you will still be able to receive care.
Obama wants to “maintain our choices”.  He wants to allow people who already have private insurance to continue to enjoy what they have (and in theory that is fine and dandy).  He doesn’t want to make his health care plan mandatory.  At quick glance that sounds good…who doesn’t love having the choice to choose?
But the problem comes w/ the guesstimate of 15 Million people who would “choose” to not have insurance under his Health Care Plan.  The people who already can’t afford insurance would still possibly not be able to afford it, and now it looks like they are simply “choosing” to not buy it.  Then later if they become ill and have to receive emergency room treatment, there seems to be a system of fines or penalties designed to have the recipient pay arrearage for the coverage they should have had.  He wants the people who would deem themselves as not needing insurance (because they are young and healthy, 18-25 y/o who think they are invincible) to be able to be covered under their parent’s plan until 25.  There is a big difference between not being able to afford insurance and not having the sense the creator gave you when she split ya to see that everyone is mortal.  Now we have people being covered because of privilege and the ones who desperately need insurance still out in the cold.  But did I hear him correctly?  Did he say he doesn’t think that 15 million is accurate?  Some one correct me please!
It doesn’t make sense if it isn’t mandatory.
Now that I have paid attention, I see the difference.  Clinton’s plan, while more expensive in theory (still cheaper than what we are pissing away on health care now, more than any other country) covers everyone.  Say it together now, EVERYONE.  And that is the first step to becoming a healthier nation.  Basic health care, for men and women, that is affordable and accessible to all.  This also means stopping companies from “cherry picking” healthy clients, and eliminating disqualifications for pre-existing conditions.  She even wants to push to make medical records electronic, so that no matter where you are, there your medical history will be!  She wants truly universal health care.
And in Senator Clinton’s words, you can’t call yourself a Democrat if you aren’t willing to fight for Universal Health Care.
Preach it sister!
And I think today is the day I have finally drawn the line.  I will gladly support any candidate on the Dem side over the Rethugs…but twelve gods I hope it’s Clinton.
And also, thanks to Red Queen for the invite to write here!  I hope this babble makes more sense than it feels like it does.