The Real Sunday Shame is…..

Renee at Womanist Musings has a regular feature where every Sunday she calls out some horribly embarrassing behavior.

But today she went too far. She’s picking on bacon. Bacon. Sacre bleu! It’s criminal. It’s wrong in thousand ways. It’s bacon for the love of all that is good in the world. It’s kinda turning into a round of the dozens over there between the Canadians and their sorry-excuse-for-bacon-but-is-really-ham thing and us USians and our real, delicious bacon.

And she thinks I should be seriously shamed because I am proud of the fact that my home town invented bacon salt. Nope. Of all the things I’ve ever eaten, bacon does not give me one moment of shame. neither do reliably bacon flavored products, like bacon salt, or better yet steak frites with bacon blue cheese dressing.

It’s pretty outrageous. I may have said something about Canada being the land of bad food (dude- cheese curds (cottage cheese) with gravy, nuff said).

But you long time readers know what my real shame food is, doncha.

I freely cop to being embarrassed by my love of vienna sausages. But that embarrassment didn’t stop the Easter Bunny (aka- Uncle Jim) from bringing me a six pack of them today. Of course I’ll have to hide them in my room and eat them where no one can see me. But…………..

(oddly, vienna sausages also feature prominently in the Worst.Meal.I’ve.Ever.Eaten and one of my funniest travel stories)