The thing they always forget

more appropriately, fail to remember, is that of the 3 groups that make up our modern nation-state, only one group is real.

People, Government, Business. The unholy trinity. But one of these things exists when the others do not. One of these things is a thing all by itself, without molding or definition from the others. The others are constructs, ways of structuring the world. We have been told that these structures are for the benefit of the people. They keep people safe and distribute resources in the most efficient way. But that’s a load of fucking hooey, coming from a bunch of fucking smoke-blowers.

You can’t have a government without people, and more importantly, without the consent of the governed. You can’t have trade without people. But people can, have and will again exist without either government or business. It’s a cycle. It always comes back around.

There will come a point when those structures that claim to make life better are seen by the majority for what they are, corrupt leeches sucking the life of us. What we get in it’s place is really a function of the same kind of dynamic that goes into disaster capitalism. What are the best ideas floating around at the time?