Things I would like to do away with

A List:

1)Mrs. or Miss. Can’t we all be Ms.? For that matter, if I am filling out a form for say credit or even a fucking magazine subscription, why does my gender matter. Can’t we skip that whole box of questions and move on?

2)Uncomfortable underwear. Now I like my pretty girly undies, but there is no reason that pretty girly undies cant also be comfy. Same thing for bras. Why do I have to choose between wearable or pretty. And can we make some underwire that doesn’t jack up under my armpits and hurt? Like half an inch shorter with better sewing reinforcement would work to do that.

3)The gawd awful idea that school for children should start at the crack of ass. Kid gets on the bus at 6:30 am to be at school by 7:30. He’s exhausted (we had a mini meltdown this afternoon cause I told him he is going back to a 9pm bed time. You would think that I told him video games have been canceled FOREVER). Why can’t kids start school at the more reasonable 9am?

4)The idea that where you buy your groceries from makes you more morally righteous than everyone else. I’m talking to you- Whole Foods shoppers. It’s a fricken grocery chain started by a libertarian for fucks sake. Just because you overspend on produce does not make you the King of all that is Ethical! Just like people shopping at Walmart are not the scourge of the earth.

5) The lollipop head female ideal that has invaded Hollywood. Go watch some early Friends and check out the women that the guys dated. Still Hollywood pretty, but not severely, concentration camp style, undernourished. Some girls are slim by nature (Kyra Knightly) you can spot them because they don’t look like they need a neck brace. This is not true for most of the women in Hollywood or the world for that matter.

6) The stupid stereotyping done by “educated” liberals and conservatives alike that black kids don’t read or have books in their homes. If I have to hear one more jackass say that black kids are left to linger in the street while good kids like them read a book, I will punch someone in the face. A) It’s not true and B) How stocked is your public library with books where a black kid is the protagonist? Perhaps these kids that you don’t think read have already gone through every book available to them that has a character they can relate too.

7) Conversations that include phrasing like “Is Obama REALLY a black man, he’s only half” “Is Palin REALLY a feminist” “IS a transwoman/man REALLY a woman/man”. YES they are. You can quibble all you like with Obama’s condescending attitude towards poor black men or Palin’s anti-feminist views on abortion or birth control or transpeople’s different experiences from those of the majority of their gender. But people get to identify who they are themselves and you all are gonna have to suck it up and deal.

What do you want to do away with?