This has all happened before, this will all happen again

18 months ago, had the same hullabaloo been made about Obama and the Dems lack of, well, Demmishness, I would have jumped for joy. Whoopee. People are paying attention. Finally.

I find myself in a bit of an odd spot at the moment though. My old self would have been all over Violet’s Justice Party. Sign me up- I’ll hand out flyers.

Current me sees the whole idea of Politics (capital P)as a lose lose lose proposition, especially for people like me (bottom of the pyramid poor poor poor).

There is no magic lever. There is no good combination of shiny hair, bright smile, and proper thinking to make politicians and politics workable to me.

Politics is the way we distribute power. People like me never get power- ever, unless we take it ourselves with a loaded gun. Then we become the oppressors. Nice trick there- power is very protective of itself. It makes those who have it into monsters who will protect it at all costs, regardless of who they were before.

But bullets are expensive and I am

Sure, yeah, there are lots of proggy types who talk a good game about expanding access blah blah blah. They’re the same ones who want to dictate our shopping lists cause us poor dumb slobs don’t know how to choose our own food. If we can’t be trusted with lunch, we surely can’t be trusted with power.