This is why we can’t have nice things

I am not anti-voting for the Democrats (and everybody else) because of the dems failure to get things past the rethuglikans. Oh no my friends. If you think it’s because they lose at getting crappy bipartisan bills passed you’d be so mistaken.

I’m not voting for the dems because the entire fucking party, including people I like (Kucinich) have sold us out. Now I get why Kucinich may have changed his tune on the health insurance solidarity bill, I mean healthcare reform. I’m sure someone in the party threatened his constituents. But why the fuckity fuck would the dems threaten Kucinich and not fucking Ben Nelson or Bart Stupak is why I’m not giving them my vote. Technically I am still registered in Seattle and could use my vote to help save Patty Murray, but it ain’t going to happen.

It is the shift from pro-labor to pro-business. The change from proven Keynesian tactics to softer, gentler trickle down ones. It’s Barak Obama declaring a spending freeze and a hiring freeze and not coming out in favor of a foreclosure freeze. It’s about the catfood commission and dems cutting food stamps to pay for Michelle Obama’s “I hate fat kids” campaign.It’s about DADT. This is why our country is broken. Not because republicans are douchebags (they’ve always been douchebags) but because the dems have seen fit to join them.
This is why we can’t have nice things like single payer healthcare or a jobs guarantee. Not because republicans don’t want it, but because democrats either don’t want it or won’t fight for it.

There is no party that represents the best interests of 80 percent of the population. And I’m not going to participate in democracy theater just so I can feel like I’ve fake orgasmed my way through bad governance. “Oh yeah baby hit me with your watered down bipartisan corporatism” just doesn’t do it for me.