Tomato, Tomahto, Abortion, Life Saving Treatment, Blah Blah Blah

So there’s soul-wearying debate over if Mrs. Frothy Mix had an abortion or not.

Here’s the thing kids, if the Forced-Birthers, I’m sorry the Personhood folks have their way, the only good, sick, pregnant woman is a dead, sick, pregnant woman. It’s god’s will blah blah blah. If a fetus is a full person (with oddly more rights than the actual full person whose body it’s using rent-free) and a pregnant woman has say, oh I don’t know- let’s pick one I’m really fucking familiar with and say Early Onset Pre-eclampsia with HELLP syndrome. Fun huh? Yeah I got to spend months on bed-rest.

I was treated with IV magnesium sulfate. It sucks. It makes your veins burn. It’s like being pumped full of liquid fire and every time your IV gets giggled you get another wave of burning fun times. It also delays labor and your milk coming in if you breastfeed. Kid was smallish (7lbs) so they let me go past my due date. Trust- if I had half the tough bitchiness I have now as when I was an unwed, pregnant 19 year-old, I would have scheduled the c-section earlier and kid’s birthday would be Valentine’s day.

Now in personhood-land, I wouldn’t get the option of an early c-section. It might hurt the baby to be born early, and if I die because I have a never-ending seizure or my liver just straight up explodes- it’s god’s will. And there’s a good possibility they could pull the baby out of my still warm corpse. (True fact- the week I gave birth to the kid is the week ER had a storyline of a woman who dies of Eclampsia and the baby is saved with a c-section.)

So Mrs. Frothy Mix had intro-uterine surgery to try and save her baby. She got to choose that. She got to make the decision knowing the risk was possible death for both of them. How nice she got to choose that. Personhood-land means no choosing. Baby’s life comes first.