Trusted advocates

Deek: White people are so fucking racist!

Me: Fucking boys! Oh my god could they be any worse?

Both of us- talking over each other: Did you hear about the Jena6? What about the girl that was kept in a trailer and raped? She’s going to jail for bouncing checks!

You know you are a trusted advocate when someone from an oppressed group (in case you hadn’t noticed- Deek’s a big black guy with fab locks and I have ovaries)feels comfortable enough with you to bitch about things your group has done to oppress them.

If they feel comfortable enough to talk in front of you then they usually aren’t talking about you. If you get the squidgy feeling in the pit of your stomach that they might be talking about you- then examine yourself and your actions before you get defensive. In other words- shut up, listen, think about it- in that order.