Is a Progressive Girls Gun Club.
One of my poly sci proffs, Mac Murray, asked me point blank what I thought of the second amendment during class one day. He was a great guy and I liked him a lot, but this was early in the quarter and I didn’t know him well yet. It was also just after the start of the Iraq war.
My answer was “the best defense against tyranny is a well armed populace”
“Do you think we are at risk of tyranny?”
“Isn’t that patently obvious?”
At which point Mac started cracking up. I think he agreed.
I don’t think guns will save you from a robbery. I think guns cause more problems than they solve. I absolutely think that people should be required to keep their guns locked up and safe from children or be prosecuted for negligent homicide when someone dies.
But I also think that Jefferson was right about the spilling of blood every now and then in Revolution.