What is it y’all do around these parts?

Well, I started it as a group blog to discuss political ideas and cultural phenomenon with my favorite smart people. But (and I am singly responsible for this) all politics all the time makes me a dull girl. And I’m a poly- sci student. There is only so much I can take before my little mercurial self runs off to something else. But make no mistake- I always come back to the political.

So I post about shows I’ve been to or art I love or personal stories that don’t seem political at all. I get on kicks where I am railing against the patriarchy or organized religion or even just where the hell my Kleenex box has drifted off to. We have Fursday Fun just to lighten stuff up.

That doesn’t mean that serious pieces won’t get written or don’t have a place here.’They absolutely do. I just can’t be the one doing all the heavy hitting, and since I am doing the primary writing here – I do what I can to avoid either burn out or over-covering things that have been written about ad naseum by other blogs.

I hope that you all are enjoying the stuff that is not pure politics. I hope that you all are still happy to contribute the stuff that you all are good at writing about. I think MDH’s post on the new economic realities was fantastic. Wonder’s take on religion was very heart-felt and it was good to see the progressive side of Christianity represented. DeeK is forever my darling friend for helping me rail against the patriarchy, even though we feel very differently about immigration (or not so different- depending on the day). Phuxy is my brother in arms and bringer of teh funny- even though he is always in the middle of either midterms or finals.

With that I would like to introduce our newest blogger. Little Flower actually gets paid to write (can you imagine) and is damn good with the politics side of politics. I hope you all give him a big warm hello in comments.