There is this misconception about feminists that we think all men are rapists or we don’t like men or sex or we’re all non-shaving, anti-lipstick ugly girls who are just jealous of the pretty girls.
You all know me- I am more boy crazy than just about any girl (and most gay boys) than you’ll ever meet. I’m also super-girly with a love of french perfume, high heels and red red lipstick. Though I have been accused of being a misandrist (opposite of misogynist for the vocab challenged) it is more that I recognize the benefits that white boys get and I refuse to respect them more for being born lucky.
But why I am a feminist is best summed up in this post by Blood on My Teeth
And that is why I’m a feminist. Not because I want to form some kind of gynocentric
enclave or forcibly castrate men in retaliation for my lack of phallic power
(stupid Freud), but because I believe women. I believe women because
98% of the time we are not lying. And I know that the only thing that
separates me from a rape victim or battered wife is dumb fucking luck
I believe women too. Go read the whole post. Consider it required reading.
Perhaps some articles or discussion of the less drastic issues, such as male/female caring for babies, cooking, fixing cars, career, etc.?
I wonder if that’s as important to you as the rape issue.
Fine- go google Caitlin Flanagan. She is one of those scary “if you don’t stay home with your kids and fuck your husband on demand then you are a failure as a person” women. And more of them seem to be getting book deals every day. Funny thing though- you’re not really a full time mom if you’re out on a book tour and doing interviews on the Colbert Report.
Yep. This lady is just another “feminist”.
By the way, is “conservative feminist” an oxymoron, in your opinion?
You either missed the point or are attempting something snarky. Either way- try reading this (no really read it. Please don’t try to be cute with the arguments- you aren’t pulling it off well.)